速報APP / 遊戲 / Brain Marmelade

Brain Marmelade





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:1339 Avenue de l'Eveché de Maguelone 34250 Palavas les Flots.

Brain Marmelade(圖1)-速報App


Brain Marmelade(圖2)-速報App

Brain Marmelade is a 2D platformer/ adventure game with hand draw creepy art style and a unique combat system.

Brain Marmelade(圖3)-速報App

This games follows the "Dump One" in his dangerous quest to find the GLORIUS Brain Marmelade.

Brain Marmelade(圖4)-速報App

The platformer :

Brain Marmelade(圖5)-速報App

Move around the levels and... Dodge ! Jump ! Jump again and roll to avoid ennemis attacks and traps !

Brain Marmelade(圖6)-速報App

The combat system :

Brain Marmelade(圖7)-速報App

Go near your foes, take a good look at them and follow the combination above their head to chain attack them and make them desappear !

Brain Marmelade(圖8)-速報App


Brain Marmelade(圖9)-速報App

Brain Marmelade is the first game that I made and published on my own.

I hope you will enjoy it !

See ya !